Companion planting means growing plants that coexist in the same area that benefit each other. Along the south side of my garage wall, I have planted climbing beans in between the cherry roma tomatoes. The beans have climbed to over seven feet tall and the vines will soon begin to flower. The bean pods will hang down between the tomatoes. By pruning the secondary leaf, the roma tomato grows upwards and produces more tomatoes. One tomato plant will produce five clusters with each cluster having five tomatoes. One tomato plant will produce 35 tomatoes. In front of the tomatoes, I have planted some marigolds. Marigolds keep leaf eating insects from eating the tomato and bean leaves. I have placed potted geraniums next to the tomatoes to add a nice contrast in color. I have also planted borage which is a herb with a multitude of little blue flowers. The blue flowers attract the pollinating bumble bees. The leaves of the borage herb taste like cucumber and makes an excellent salad. Borage produces many seeds and readily self seeds.
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