Calm Period Four

Job Search Skills Assignment
*Portfolio CTR 2310
*Job Prep CTR 1010
*Cover letter
Assignment #1:
1. Create a 2 page resume

Assignment #2 : Cover letter
1. Create a cover letter
Select one of the jobs from the Safeway Job list
Read the qualifications for the selected job

Create the cover letter

a) Notes on resume
b) Resume Action word list
c) Sample work & volunteer experience
d) Sample resume: Jerome Iginla
d) References
f) templates for resume (high school)
h) cover letter format

i) Sample cover letter

This Is Your Life : A Career and Educational Planning Guide
Click on: This Is Your Life For Instructions to complete the booklet
This Is Your Life Booklet is a major assignment that is included in your Portfolio.
Complete all the questions in the booklet.
Print out the Personality type.
Print out the Career Quizzes
Print out an Occupation sheet
Print out the Holland Code quiz
Print out the Kiersey
Create an online Alias

Autobiography Assignment
*How to write an autobiography
*Answer the self reflection questions
*The autobiography should be 5 paragraphs
*Use specific examples to describe yourself

Autobiography and Mission Statement Rubric
*Refer to the autobiography and mission statement rubric to evaluate your assignment

Mission Statement : Major Assignment

*Brief Theme Sequence Assignment
*Read the following themes
*Choose the top five themes that apply to your strengths
*Complete the chart that identifies your top 5 strengths

Mission Statement Activity Questions
* Use these activity questions to help you plan your research for your mission statement.
* The answer to these questions will be included in your mission statement organizational chart

Mission Statement Assignment
Complete the following:
1. Self-inventory chart
2. Mission statement chart (mission statement questions)
3. Transitional statements
4. Mission statement essay

Essay Rubric
*Thought and understanding
*Supporting evidence
*Form and structure
*Matters of choice
*Matters of correctness
*Numerical scores

Language Skills Chart
*Grammar and usage

Pride Exercise
Open pride assignment
Save to word document
Answer the questions
Pride answers will be used in your autobiography

The Social Network

Open the social network assignment
Save to word document
Answer the questions
Complete a topic outline
Create your essay

Virtues Vocabulary Sheet

1. Open virtues vocabulary sheet
2. Save the google documents in a word document To save: File--Download as--word
3. Go to
3.1 Look up the dictionary meaning of each virtue word
3.2 Type in the definition
3.3 In a complete sentence provide an example of the virtue
3.4 Save vocabulary document and print for future reference
in creating your autobiography and mission statement

Shrek : Movie Chart

Complete the Movie Chart Save chart: File--Download as--word

May 30  Martha Stuart Board Game Assignment

May 30: Use the Canada Food Guide Link to complete the following three assignments.
Assignment #1        Assignment #2                               Assignment #3
Daily Food              Create My Food                            One week food list & One week
Guide Serving         Guide                                             Meal Planner

May 26 : Workplace Health and Safety quizzes
Complete the Hazard & Assessment quizzes for elimination and control for each of the following
quiz categories:
1. Biological
2. Psychological
3. Chemical
4. Physical
5. Health

May 25 Learn Alberta WHMIS Series: Safety  Care 14 minute video
Introduction to WHIMIS
Classes of controlled products
Hazard symbols
Material Data
Safety Sheet

May 25 WHIMIS LESSON: Identifying hazards (activate D2L site)
Complete the chart and the hazard identification quiz.
Print out the Hazardous chemical chart.

May 25 HCS 3000 Safety Hazards
1. On your computer do the WHMIS Safety Quiz.
2. Complete a safety hazard warning sign for each of the following:
a. Compressed gas
b. Flammable and combustible materials
c. Poisonous and infectious materials
d. Materials causing other toxic effects
e. Biohazardous Infectious materials
f. Corrosive materials
g. Dangerously reactive materials
Include the following in your safety Hazard Warning Sign
1. Title : Safety Sign Warning
2. Picture of Hazard
3. Wording that describes specific details of hazard, or precautions
4. Use the templates from to create your safety
warning signs.

5. Copy and paste your eight safety hazard signs onto one page in a word document and print. To transfer your signs into a powerpoint or paint program. Open up the powerpoint or paint program and drag your safety hazard sign over to the powerpoint or paint program. Resize the hazard signs so that they fit on one page . Print out the page.
6. If you have time create your own humorous safety sign. e.g. Caution: Elderly Crossing : Reduce speed and come to a full stop.

View the six workplace scenarios and identify how each situation could have been prevented. Discuss the potential safety hazards that were present.
Scenario 1: At the store
Scenario 2: At the deli
Scenario 3: At the restaurant
Scenario 4: At the gas station
Scenario 5: At the cafe
Scenario 6: At the lumberyard

May 12 : Identity Fraud

1. What personal financial damage can occur to you if someone steals your identity?
2. List different examples or situations where your identity can be stolen.
3. When using the internet you might encounter Phishing. What is Phishing?
4. How can you prevent identity theft?
May 5 Income, Expenses And Budgets
Read the story 5.1 on Income, Story 5.2 on expenses and story 5.3 on Budgets.

Now complete the Income, Expense and Budget sheet for the Life stage character you have been given using their financial history in your Lifestage Character Profile.

After completing the Life Stage character income,expense and budget complete your own FREEDOM !8 budget pp.5.30 and 5.31. Complete the Quick Quiz on Income,Expenses and budget on pp.5.32 snd 5.33.

May 4 Needs, Wants and Priorities
Read Story 4.1 Need, Wants and Priorities
1. Complete the Needs, Wants and Priorities Chart
2. Complete the quick quiz on Needs, Wants and Priorities

May 4 The City: Financial Role Playing
1. Poster Assignment Use the information from the lifestage character profile of Luna, Nikos,Rio,Sienna, Indigo, Liam, Zack and Gaia to create a poster showing the main points about your character. Describe your character's personality,and how his or her lifestyle, education and career reflect their stage in life. Create captions that describe the character you are profiling.

2.Poster Assignment #2: Needs and Wants
After completing the Need, Wants and Priorities Assignment pp. 4.5 to 4.8 ,
create your own poster that portrays your personal needs or wants by referring to digital images to make a digital collage. You may go to google images or click on Panorama Stock Footage for digital images.

May 3
Read WELCOME TO THE CITY. Complete the two worksheets : Character Profile and Quick Quiz Introducing the Life Stage Characters.

April 22 Resume and Cover Letter
View the power point presentation to see the main features of a resume.

Job Search Skills Assignment:For your Portfolio CTR 2310 and Job Preparation CTR 1010 you are required to write a resume, cover letter and provide a reference sheet.
1. Create a two page resume:
a. Notes on resume
b. Resume: Action/Descriptor word list
c. Sample work & volunteer experience descriptions
d. Sample resume
e. High school student resume
f. Microsoft Office: Resume & CV's
2. Create a cover letter for a specific job that introduces your resume
a. Cover letter format
b. Sample cover letter

3. Create a Reference Page
a. Sample reference page

April 18 Financial Booklet
For the past two periods we have been discussing the Financial Basics Workshop Booklet. This booklet will be completed and handed in for marks. The booklet can also be used as an item in your Portfolio.

Complete the questions or write notes on the following pages in the booklet:
P. 3 My financial goal is..
PP. 5,6,7 My monthly budget
P. 8 Make notes on at least one of the websites on More information on budgeting
P. 10 Reduce Banking Costs Complete the interactive Banking Package Selector
Tool and Savings Account Selector Tool. List all the features and benefits of each account in your notes. Which chequing account is best for you? Which savings account is best for you?

P. 11 Cut Your Car Costs Using a website price out a car you would like to buy or lease.
Using the loan calculator calculate the cost required to buy your car. Use the lease calculator to calculate the coat to lease your car. Explain why you would buy or lease?
What are the top 6 mistakes to avoid when buying a car?
P.12 Own or Rent a Home? Find the cost of a home you would like to rent. Use the rent calculator to calculate the costs of renting . You may visit a real estate site to find out the current selling price of a home you would like to buy. Use the mortgage calculator to calculate the monthly cost of purchasing a house.
How much money would you have to earn to qualify for a $250,000 mortgage? Identify the terms of the mortgage? Would a gross income of $60,000 qualify you for a $350,000 mortgage?
What would be the interest paid on a 25 year $100,000 mortgage with a 5% interest rate? What would be the interest paid on a 25 year #250,000 mortgage with a 5% interest rate?
P.13 List out all the little luxuries you have purchased in the past in the last year.
P. 14 Explain how you will attempt to reduce impluse buying. What strategies will you choose to save money?
P.15 Complete the cutting back chart
P.16 More information on needs and wants. Make notes on 5 of these websites.
P. 17, P.18 Choose three different credit cards and compare the similarities and differences.
Use the interactive credit card tool to choose the best credit card for you. After completing the interactive tool choose your credit card that is offered by the different banks.

P. 19 Estimate the costs of tuition,books,room and board and more for a two, three or four year degree by using The Investor Education Fund University Cost and Debt Calculator. Imagine you have a student loan between $20,000 and $40,000 . Choose the student loan option that would be best for you. Select tools and calculator to figure out how long it will take to pay back your loan.
PP. 20,21 Make notes on two websites from More information on credit and debt
Savings And Investing
P. 22 Make a short term, medium term and long term savings goal.
P.23 Use the rule of 72 to calculate how long it will take to double your money if the interest rate is 3%,5%,6%,7%,8%,9%,10%
P.24 Define the terms: Interest, Dividends, Capital gains.
Explain the relationship between "Expected Return" and "Risk".
List four basic types of investments.
P.25 Investments That Pay Interest
P.25 Complete the Interactive Banking Tool to find the right chequing account for you. Find two chequing accounts and compare the features.
P.25 Use the Savings Account Selector Tool to choose the which savings account is right for you. Compare interest rates and other features on two savings accounts.

P.25 What are the risks and benefits of buying bonds as investment? What makes Canada Savings Bonds different from other bonds?
P.26 Stocks, G.I.C.'s, Bonds
Click on Managing Your Money to find Stocks, Bonds and G.I.C.'s. What are the different investment features of these three financial products?

P.27 Mutual Funds
1. What is a mutual fund?
2. What type of mutual fund is best for a young investor?
3. What type of mutual fund is best for a middle aged investor?
4. What does ETF mean? How does an ETF work?
5. What are the different types of mutual funds that an investor can buy?
6. What are the costs (fees) to invest in a mutual fund?
7. What are the risks in investing in a mutual fund?
8. What is a segregated fund? How do segregated funds differ from mutual funds? What are
advantages and disadvantages of segregated funds?

P.28 Risk versus Return on Your Investment
Rate the risk of each investment as high, medium or low with the return that can be high, medium or low.

Investment High risk Medium risk Low risk High return Medium return Low return

Land and Housing
Direct Investment
Collectible items

PP. 30, 31 Choose an investment that you might want to buy ( mutual fund,bonds, RRSP, Land,etc)
Use the checklist and check off the question if you know the answer. If you do not know go back and find the answer in the previous pages ( your past notes)
P.31 Warning flags that alert you to risks of fraud and other investment problems.
Using the Warning Flags Chart: Choose one of the investment scams on pp. 41, 42 (Transfer of fund scam,Lottery scam, Phishing emails and phony web pages, Items for sale overpayment scam)
Answer the warning flags questions for one of the investment scams by filling in the specific details of the scam.
P.32 Tax-Sheltered Savings Plan
1. What is a TFSA? What is the major benefit?
2. Four reasons to open a TFSA?
3. How much can one deposit in a TFSA?
4. How does a person open a TFSA?
5. How old do you have to be to open a TFSA?
6. Which type of TFSA is right for You?

Financial Planning
P. 34 1.How does a financial plan go beyond making a budget?
2.What type of income is included in a financial plan?
3. What is a financial goal?
P.35 1.What does a financial plan cover?
2. How will my financial plan change in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years?
3. What are the steps in creating a financial plan?
4. What are two goals should you include in your financial plan?
5. When and why would you hire a financial planner?
6. Where would you find a credible financial planner?

PP. 36,37,38,39 A Simple Financial Plan
Imagine that 6 years in the future you will have finished your education and will be earning
a salary of $40,000 a year. Your salary will increase $2,500 each year for the next five years so that in five years your salary will be $52,500. ( This could be the combined income of you and your wife, or more if your wife works) ( You might have a second job)

Create a 5 year financial plan that begins with a base salary of $40,000 per year. Fill in the simple financial plan on pp. 36,37,38,39.

P.41 Protecting Yourself
Identity Theft

1. What makes an investment safe for me?
2. What are the top signs that an investment is not safe?
3. How do I safely invest on the internet?
4. How does a Phishing Scam operate?
5. What are some of the most recent scams?

P.45 Identity Fraud
1. What is identity fraud?
2. Give 5 examples of identity fraud?
3. How do you protect yourself from identity fraud?

P. 47 Financial Fitness Checklist
Be honest with yourself and answer yes or no to the financial checklist.
How would you rate yourself? Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory

The Quest For Credit
Banks and retail outlets make it easy for you to obtain credit.
After viewing the video THE QUEST FOR CREDIT, explain how a person
abuses their credit. How do you avoid creating a credit crisis of unmangeable debt?

The Crisis of Credit Visualized. The following video explains the world
credit crisis. Briefly explain the causes of the world credit crisis.

March 21 : City Slickers
Writing a character analysis. The purpose of this assignment is to apply the elements of the self: Goals, Dreams, Interests,Values, Experiences,Abilities,Temperament, Personality.
City Slickers Assignment

March 10 : Strengths & Talents : Mission statement
Today I would like you to submit your video chart on the movie Shrek and your virtues vocabulary list before starting the next assignment.

In today's you lesson will begin planning your two page mission statement which will be double spaced.
Marks will be given for the preplanning exercises, the first draft of the mission statement and the good copy. The good copy of the mission statement will be placed in your portfolio.

Pre-planning activities:
1. Your self includes: Dreams (This is me)
Goals ( Franklin )
Interests ( Alis interest inventories)
Abilities (Strengths and talents ) ( Brief theme sequences )
Experiences ( Autobiography )
Values ( Virtues vocabulary , Shrek movie )
Temperament ( Emotional state )
Personality ( Character traits) (Brief theme sequence)

2. Go to the website FRANKLINCOVEY and complete the mission statement builder. (10 marks) Complete all 4 mission statement builders.

3. Read THE BRIEF THEME SEQUENCE notes and complete the chart at the end that identifies
your strengths and talents. ( 10 marks)

4. AFTER reading the MISSION ACTIVITY SHEET complete the self inventory sheet and the organizational chart in the MISSION STATEMENT ASSIGNMENT. You may want to use the outline provided to help write the topic sentences for each paragraph in the mission statement. Use all of the pre-planning assignments to compose your mission statement.
5. Paragraph Formula and Transitional words. If you are having difficulty writing paragraphs,
refer to these notes on writing a standard paragraph and using transitional statements.
6. Evaluation: Rubrics for evaluation of autobiography and mission statement.

March 9 :
We viewed the movie Shrek and listed different virtues that applied to the main characters.
Would you now click of the document VIRTUES VOCABULARY. Copy the vocabulary sheet into a word document. Using a dictionary or write a short dictionary definition for each of the vocabulary words.
You may also give a brief example in a complete sentence. e.g. Sincerity means having truthful intentions. A mother shows her sincerity in treating all her children with the same affection.

Here is another link with a LIST OF ADDITIONAL VALUES you could choose from that describes qualities of good character.